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Chapter {{ article.chapter.number }}
{{ article.number }}. 

{{ article.displayTitle }}

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Finding Solutions of Quadratic Equations

Consider a quadratic function in standard form.
Recall the steps followed to graph a quadratic function in standard form. Use the applet to draw the graph.
Drawing the given quadratic function
Now, consider the quadratic equation
Think about the definitions of an intercept and a solution of an equation. How do the intercepts of the quadratic function and the solutions of the quadratic equation relate to each other?


Quadratic Equation

A quadratic equation is a polynomial equation of second degree, meaning the highest exponent of its monomials is A quadratic equation can be written in standard form as follows.

Here, the leading coefficient is non-zero, which guarantees that the term is present. Solving a quadratic equation means finding the zeros of the related quadratic function. Therefore, quadratic equations can have at most two solutions.
This type of equation can be solved using several methods, such as graphing and factoring.


Number of Solutions of a Quadratic Equation

The solutions of a quadratic equation can be interpreted graphically as the zeros of the related quadratic function. Therefore, the number of solutions of a quadratic equation is the same as the number of zeros of the related function.
If the function has two zeros, the equation has two solutions. Similarly, if the function has one zero, the equation has one solution. Finally, if the function does not have any zeros, the equation has no real solutions.

Pop Quiz

Using a Graph to Find the Number of Solutions of a Quadratic Equation

For each quadratic equation, draw its related quadratic function to determine the number of solutions.

Finding number of solutions of quadratic equations


Finding the Time When a Rocket Reaches a Certain Height

Paulina models the flight of a rocket she built using a quadratic function, where is the height of the rocket in meters after seconds.

Flight of the rocket
a After how many seconds does the rocket reach a height of meters?
b After how many seconds does the rocket reach a height of meters?


a Set the quadratic function equal to Then, rewrite it in standard form to solve by graphing.
b Set the quadratic function equal to Then, rewrite it in standard form to solve by graphing.


a To find after how many seconds the rocket is at a height of meters, will be substituted for into the given quadratic function.
This quadratic equation will now be solved by graphing. Before doing so, it should be rewritten in standard form.
Now the function related to the equation can be written.
The solutions to the equation are the intercepts of the function's graph. To graph the related quadratic function, its characteristics must be first determined.
Direction Vertex Axis of Symmetry intercept

In addition to the vertex and the intercept, the reflection of the intercept across the axis of symmetry, which is at is also on the parabola. With this information, the graph of the function can be drawn.

Graph of the related quadratic function
The parabola intersects the axis twice. The points of intersection are and
x-intercepts of the function
Therefore, the equation has two solutions, and
These solutions mean that the rocket is at a height of meters after and after seconds.
b Following the same steps as above, the time at which the rocket is at meters can be calculated.
This quadratic equation will now be solved by graphing. Before doing so, it should be rewritten in standard form.
Now the function related to the equation can be written.
Again, the solutions to the equation are the intercepts of the parabola. Identify the characteristics of the function to be able to draw it.
Direction Vertex Axis of Symmetry intercept

The reflection of the intercept across the axis of symmetry is at which is also on the parabola. Now, the graph can be drawn.

Graph of g(t)

This time, there is only one intercept.

The point of intersection is Therefore, the equation has one solution,
This solution means that the rocket is at a height of meters after seconds.


Modeling Heights of Arrows With Quadratic Equations

Tiffaniqua and Ramsha are good at archery. They want to determine whether the arrows they shoot will collide in the air or not. Tiffaniqua takes her shot from a tree and Ramsha takes her shot from the ground just below Tiffaniqua. They wrote two quadratic functions to model the heights of the arrows in meters.
In these equations, represents the horizontal distance in meters from the point where the arrow is shot.
Diagram showing the path of each arrow
a Write a quadratic equation in standard form that will help determine whether the arrows will collide.
b Find the answer that fits the context of the situation by solving the equation graphically.
c Suppose a coordinate plane is placed on the diagram so that Ramsha is at the origin. How far is Ramsha from the point where the arrows collide? Write the answer in exact form.


a At the collision point of the arrows, the functions have the same height. Therefore, equate the given quadratic functions.
b The equation written in the previous part has a related function. Draw the graph of this function.
c Find the coordinates of the point where the arrows collide. Then, use the Distance Formula.


a At the collision point of the arrows, if there is any, the functions have the same value. Therefore, to find this point, the right-hand sides of the equations can be equated.
This resulting quadratic equation needs to be written in standard form.
Simplify right-hand side
The solutions to this quadratic equation will give the horizontal distance to the collision point.
b The quadratic equation found in Part A will solved graphically. To do so, its related function will be drawn first.
To be able to graph the function, some of its characteristics should be determined.
Direction Vertex Axis of Symmetry intercept
The reflection of the intercept across the axis of symmetry is also on the parabola. Since these points are very close to each other, another point can be plotted by randomly choosing an value and calculating its corresponding value. Try
Evaluate right-hand side
Therefore, the point lies on the curve. The reflection of this point across the axis of symmetry is which also lies on the parabola. With this information, the graph can be drawn.
Graph of the related function

The intercepts of the graph can now be identified.

x-intercepts of the related function
The parabola intersects the axis twice. From the graph only one of the intercepts is identified easily, which is The other intercept is between and However, this intercept can be ignored because represents horizontal distance and distance cannot be negative. Therefore, in this context, only makes sense.
This solution means that the horizontal distance from where Tiffaniqua and Ramsha stand to the point of collision is meters.
c Place a coordinate plane so that Ramsha is at the origin. In Part B, the horizontal distance to the point where the arrows collide was found to be meters
To find how far Ramsha is to the collision point, the Distance Formula will be used.
To do so, the coordinate of the collision point needs to be found. To accomplish this, substitute into the either of the quadratic functions, and evaluate.
Evaluate right-hand side
Therefore, the arrows collide at the point Now the distance from Ramsha to the point where the arrows collide can be found.
Evaluate right-hand side
Ramsha is meters away from the collision point of the arrows.

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Finding Solutions of Quadratic Equations

Find the solutions to each quadratic equation by graphing its related function. If there are two solutions, write the smaller solution first.

Finding zeros of quadratic equations


Graphing Each Side of an Equation

In this lesson, real life situations that can be modeled by quadratic equations were solved graphically. Solving a quadratic equation graphically can be done in three steps.
In general, when solving equations of form the equation is rearranged and the graph of is drawn. The zeros of the graph are solutions to the equation.
Another way to graphically solve an equation is to graph and separately, then look for the points of intersection.
As can be seen, both methods give the same solutions to the given examples. Therefore, both methods can be used to solve an equation graphically.