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Chapter {{ article.chapter.number }}
{{ article.number }}. 

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Solving Problems Using Triangle Similarity

The street lamps are and feet tall. How tall is the Grim Reaper?



Investigating Triangle Proportionality

Move the point on the side of the triangle. The applet draws a line parallel to another side of the triangle and gives the length of four line segments.

  • Move the vertices and investigate the relationship between these lengths. What do you notice?
  • Explore different triangles in relation to the pyramids!

Pop Quiz

Practice Using the Triangle Proportionality Theorem


Converse Triangle Proportionality Theorem

The converse of the Side-Splitter Theorem is also true.

If a segment is drawn between two sides of a triangle such that it divides the sides proportionally, the segment is parallel to the third side in the triangle.

Based on the diagram, the following relation holds true.

If then


The given proportion can be rearranged to get the proportionality of two sides of and

Segment Addition Postulate

This means that is a dilation of from point with scale factor A dilation moves a segment to a parallel segment, so the proof is complete.

If then


Solving Problems With the Converse Triangle Proportionality Theorem

Show that is a parallelogram.

Quadrilateral ABCD with points P,Q,R,S on the four sides. The given distances are AP=4.2, PB=1.8, BQ= 2.4, QC=5.6, CR=6.3, RD=2.7, DS=2.1 SA=4.8.


Draw the diagonals of quadrilateral


Draw diagonal of quadrilateral and focus on the two triangles and

The given measures of the segments make it possible to derive the ratios according to how the transversal divides sides and of
It can be seen that the two ratios are equal. Therefore, according to the converse of the Triangle Proportionality Theorem, the transversal is parallel to the diagonal A similar calculation shows that cuts the sides of proportionally. Therefore, is also parallel to the diagonal
Since and are both parallel to they are also parallel to each other.
After drawing the diagonal the previously found proportions also show that cuts the sides and of proportionally. Additionally, cuts the sides and of proportionally.
This implies that and are both parallel to Therefore, they are also parallel to each other.

This completes the proof that opposite sides of quadrilateral are parallel. Hence, by definition, it is a parallelogram.

Quadrilateral ABCD with points P,Q,R,S on the four sides. The given distances are AP=4.2, PB=1.8, BQ= 2.4, QC=5.6, CR=6.3, RD=2.7, DS=2.1 SA=4.8.


Three Parallel Lines Theorem

The following theorem is a corollary of the Side-Splitter Theorem.

Pop Quiz

Practice Using the Three Parallel Lines Theorem


Solving Problems Using the Three Parallel Lines Theorem

Construct points that divide the given segment into five congruent pieces.

A segment with endpoints A and B.


Draw a different segment and extend it with four congruent copies.


Draw a ray starting at and use a compass to copy any length five times on this ray. This gives five points, and

Connect with the last point, and construct parallel lines to this segment through the other points. Mark the intersection points of these lines with segment

According to the Three Parallel Lines Theorem, these transversals divide segments and proportionally. Since, by construction, the segments on have equal length, this means that points and divide into congruent segments.


Right Triangle Similarity Theorem

The previous exploration can lead to the following claim.


Corollaries of the Right Triangle Similarity Theorem

The following two claims are corollaries of the Right Triangle Similarity Theorem

Pop Quiz

Practice the Geometric Mean Leg Theorem


Pythagorean Theorem


Solving Problems Using Triangle Similarity

To conclude this lesson, the opening challenge will be revisited. The challenge shows a diagram consisting of the Grim Reaper and two street lamps at and feet tall. How tall is the Grim Reaper?



The lamps, the head of the Grim Reaper, and the shadows of the Grim Reaper's head are on a straight line.


The lamps and the figure stand vertically. Hence, they can be represented by parallel segments and . Notice that the shadows just reach the lampposts. Taking a look at the shadow touching the taller post, it can be derived that the lamppost bottom the head of the Grim Reaper and the lamppost top are on a straight line. Applying this same logic to the other shadow implies that and are also on a straight line.

Segment splits both and It is also parallel to one side of both triangles. That means the combination of two dilations maps to

  • A dilation with center and scale factor maps to
  • A dilation with center and scale factor maps to
The scale factor of this combined similarity transformation is the product of the two scale factors.
Continuing, notice that Point is between and Therefore, the Segment Addition Postulate guarantees that Then, to divide this equality by and to rearrange it gives a relationship between the scale factors of the two dilations.

The product of the two scale factors is the scale factor of the similarity transformation that maps the foot lamppost to the foot lamppost. Hence, the scale factor is An equation can now be written and solved to find the individual scale factors.
Solve for
This finding, is the scale factor of the dilation that maps to Since the length of can now be calculated.
Segment represents the Grim Reaper, who is now known to stand at feet tall.