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Here are a few recommended readings before getting started with this lesson.
Kriz wants to play some video games with their little cousin. However, Kriz's cousin has not finished his homework yet.
Kriz does not want to spill out the answer right away. They want to help their cousin understand math! Kriz's cousin only knows how to use multiplication tables.
Help Kriz rewrite the multiplication in a way that it can be solved using the multiplication table.While waiting for their cousin to finish his homework,Kriz plays a single-player game video game.
This game might look familiar! Kriz is particularly good at this video game, so they decide to try a new challenge level. In this level, Kriz's score is represented by a monomial.Use the Power of a Product Property and the Power of a Power Property.
(aâ b)m=amâ bm
(am)n=amâ n
Any non-zero real number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1.
If a is a non-zero real number and n is a positive integer, then a raised to the power of -n is equal to 1 over a raised to the power of n.
Use the Product of Powers Property and the Zero Exponent Property. Remember, any number or expression multiplied by 1 is equal to itself.
Kriz's cousin has finally finished his homework, so they can play a cooperative game together.
Their score is multiplied by x for each enemy they slay. However, their score is also divided by x every time either player is taken down.Use the Quotient of Powers Property and the Negative Exponent Property to reach the final answer.
Kriz's cousin needs to finish his homework. He is down to the last multiplication problem.
Note that both 16 and 9 are perfect squares. This can be shown in the multiplication table.
Use this information to rewrite the original multiplication. Next, use the Power of a Product Property to rewrite the product. Find the product of 3 and 4 in the table. This means the above product can be written as 12 squared. Twelve squared is also on the multiplication table.Finally, the answer can be given using only information from the multiplication table.