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Chapter {{ article.chapter.number }}
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This lesson will discuss how to graph a particular type of function called a quadratic function.

Catch-Up and Review

Here are a few recommended readings before getting started with this lesson.


Maximum and Minimum Points of Graphs

In the coordinate plane, the graphs of three functions and their corresponding equations are shown.
three graphs
Pay close attention to the maximum/minimum point of each graph. Can their coordinates be identified just by looking at the corresponding equation?


Parabola and Quadratic Function

All three graphs of the functions presented earlier have a very distinctive form. These curves have a specific name, which now will be properly introduced.

Equations of parabolas always contain a variable raised to the second power. This is why the functions that represent vertical parabolas are called quadratic functions.

In this lesson, only the vertex and the intercept forms will be discussed.


Characteristics of Quadratic Functions

The inherent shape of parabolas gives rise to several characteristics that all quadratic functions have in common.


Vertex of a Parabola

Because a parabola either opens upward or downward, there is always one point that is the absolute maximum or absolute minimum of the function. This point is called the vertex.
vertex of a parabola showing maximum or minimum button animation
At the vertex, the function changes from increasing to decreasing, or vice versa.


Zeros of a Parabola

A parabola can intersect the axis at zero, one, or two points. Since the function's value at an -intercept is always these points are called zeros, or sometimes roots.

zeros of a parabola


Because all graphs of quadratic functions extend infinitely to the left and right, they each have a -intercept somewhere along the -axis.


Pop Quiz

Identifying Characteristics of a Parabola

Consider the given parabola. Identify its zeros, line of symmetry, or intercept.

identifying characteristics of a parabola


Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function


Graphing a Quadratic Function in Vertex Form


Using the Vertex Form to Draw a Parabola

LaShay loves playing golf.

golf court
She is trying to improve her swing by drawing the parabola that the ball will make. Using her math knowledge, she has calculated the quadratic function that corresponds to this parabola.
Draw the parabola to help LaShay improve her swing!




Identify the vertex of the parabola. Make the graph only for the first quadrant.


To identify the vertex of the parabola, the given equation can be compared to the general form of a quadratic function written in vertex form.
For the given function, and This means that the vertex of the parabola is Since the parabola illustrates the position of the ball, the first quadrant will only be considered.

The axis of symmetry of the parabola is the vertical line through the vertex. Therefore, in this case, the equation of the axis of symmetry is

axis of symmetry
The intercept will now be determined and plotted. To do so, will be substituted in the given equation.
Evaluate right-hand side
The parabola intercepts the axis at
Next, the intercept will be reflected across the axis of symmetry.
Note that for the given function, the value of is Therefore, the parabola opens downward. This corresponds to the loci of the points plotted in the coordinate plane. Finally, these points can be connected with a smooth curve to draw the parabola.


Writing the Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function Given its Graph

Mark is studying parabolas so that he can help LaShay with her golf swing. He wants to write the vertex form of the quadratic function that corresponds to the given graph.

Help Mark find the desired equation!


Start by identifying the vertex of the parabola.


Recall the format of the vertex form.
In this format, the vertex of the parabola has coordinates Therefore, to state the values of and start by identifying the vertex.
vertex of the parabola is identified
The vertex is the point with coordinates This means that in the equation that corresponds to the given parabola, and
Finally, to find the value of any point on the parabola can be used. For simplicity, the intercept will be used.
The parabola intercepts the axis at Therefore, to find the value of and will be substituted into the equation and the equation will be solved for
Solve for
It has been found that the value of is With this information, the equation of the given parabola can be written in vertex form.


Zeros of a Parabola

In the coordinate plane below, the graphs of three quadratic functions and their corresponding equations are shown.
Three graphs of different parabolas with their zeros identified
Pay close attention to the zeros of each graph. Can their coordinates be identified just by looking at the corresponding equation?


Factored Form of a Quadratic Function

Pop Quiz

Identifying Vertex and Factored Forms

In the following applet, several quadratic functions are expressed in different forms. Are the quadratic functions written in vertex form, factored form, or neither?

The applet randomly generates equations in vertex form, factored form, or neither of these forms


Graphing a Quadratic Function in Factored Form


Using the Factored Form to Draw a Parabola

By now, it is not a secret that LaShay loves playing golf.

golf court
She is once again trying to improve her swing by drawing the parabola that the ball will make. One more time, she uses her math knowledge to calculate the quadratic function that corresponds to this parabola.
Draw the parabola to help LaShay improve her swing!




Identify the zeros of the quadratic function. If necessary, rewrite the function.


To identify the zeros of the quadratic function, the given equation can be rewritten and compared to the general form of a quadratic function written in factored form.
For the given function, and This means that the zeros of the function are and so the parabola intersects the axis at and
Next, the parabola's axis of symmetry can be determined.
Evaluate right-hand side
The axis of symmetry is the vertical line with equation
axis of symmetry
Since the axis of symmetry is the vertical line through the parabola's vertex, the coordinate of the vertex is To find its coordinate, can be substituted in the given equation.
Evaluate right-hand side
The vertex of the parabola lies at

Note that, for the given function, the value of is Therefore, the parabola opens downward. This corresponds to the loci of the points plotted in the coordinate plane. Finally, these points can be connected with a smooth curve to draw the parabola.



Writing the Factored Form of a Quadratic Function Given its Graph

Continuing his studies, Mark wants to write the factored form of the quadratic function that corresponds to the given parabola.

Help Mark find the desired equation!


Start by identifying the intercepts of the parabola.


Recall the format of the factored form of a parabola.
In this format, the zeros of the function are and Therefore, to state the values of and start by identifying the intercepts of the graph.
x-intercepts of the parabola are identified
The parabola intersects the axis at and This means that and are and It does not matter which value is attributed to which variable, so it will arbitrarily be considered that and With this information, the following equation can be written.
Finally, to find the value of any point on the parabola can be used. For simplicity, the vertex will be used.
vertex of the parabola is plotted
The parabola's vertex lies at Therefore, and can be substituted for and respectively, in the partial equation. The equation can then be solved for
Solve for
It has been found that the value of is With this information, the equation of the given parabola can be written in factored form.

Pop Quiz

Identifying Vertex or Zeros From an Equation

For the following quadratic functions, identify the vertex or the zeros.

vertex or zeros


Standard Form of a Quadratic Function

The same quadratic function can be expressed in both vertex form and factored form. For example, consider the following equations.
The equations above represent the same function. To prove this, both of them will be expanded.
As shown, when expanded both the vertex form and the factored form result in the following equation.
This form is called the standard form of a quadratic function. For more information, read about standard form of a quadratic function.