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Chapter {{ article.chapter.number }}
{{ article.number }}. 

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When working with transformations, remember that the composition of rigid motions is a rigid motion. However, since a dilation is not a rigid motion, what happens if a rigid motion and a dilation are composed? The answer to that question will be developed throughout this lesson.

Catch-Up and Review

Here is some recommended reading before getting started with this lesson.


Properties of a Similarity Transformation

Previously, it was seen that rigid motions keep the figure's size and shape. In comparison, dilations keep the figure's shape but can change its size. The next natural question is, what does a similarity transformation do to a figure?

The following is a list of a few important properties of similarity transformations.

  • The image of a line segment is a line segment. The image is longer or shorter than the preimage in the ratio given by the scale factor.
  • Similarity transformations preserve angle measures.


These are properties of both rigid motions and dilations. Since similarity transformations are combinations of rigid motions and dilations, these are also properties of similarity transformations.


Criteria for Similar Polygons

For polygons, similarity can be checked by considering angle measures and side lengths.


Investigating Similarity of Different Polygons

Determine whether the following statements are true or false.

a All quadrilaterals are similar.


Do all quadrilaterals have the same angles?


Different quadrilaterals may have different angles. Since similar polygons have congruent corresponding angles, this means that not all quadrilaterals are similar.

Two quadrilaterals with angles 59, 76, 117, 108 and 77, 90, 62, 131 degrees each.

b All trapezoids are similar.


Do all trapezoids have the same angles?


Different trapezoids may have different angles. Since similar polygons have congruent corresponding angles, this means that not all trapezoids are similar.

Two trapezoidss with angles 76, 104, 53, 127 and 56, 124, 108, 72 degrees each.
c All parallelograms are similar.


Do all parallelograms have the same angles?


Different parallelograms may have different angles. Since similar polygons have congruent corresponding angles, this means that not all parallelograms are similar.

Two parallelograms with angles 76, 104, 76, 104 and 63, 117, 63, 117 degrees each.
d All rhombi are similar.


Do all rhombi have the same angles?


Different rhombi may have different angles. Since similar polygons have congruent corresponding angles, this means that not all rhombi are similar.

Two rhombi with angles 77, 103, 77, 103 and 71, 109, 71, 109 degrees each.
e All rectangles are similar.


Consider the ratio of the sides.


The corresponding sides of similar polygons are proportional. Since the rectangles on the diagram are not similar.

Two rectangles with sides 1, 3 and 2, 4 each.

Not all rectangles are similar.

f All squares are similar.


Do all squares have the same shape?


Consider the angles and the sides of a square with side length and a square with side length

  • All angles of both squares are right angles, so the corresponding angles of the two squares are congruent.
  • The ratio between any sides of the two squares is so the corresponding sides are proportional.

These two properties guarantee that the squares are similar.

Two squares width side length m and n.

Any two squares are similar.


Solving Problems Using Similarity of Polygons

The triangles on the diagram are similar. It is given that the length of is centimeters, the length of is centimeters, and the length of is centimeters.
Find Give your answer rounded to the nearest millimeter.
There are five triangles joined by their sides: ABC, ACD, ADE, AEF, and AFG.


Find the length of first.


Focus on the first two triangles to find the length of first.

Triangles ABC and ACD are highlighted.
It is given that is similar to so the corresponding sides are proportional.
The lengths of and are given in the question. Substituting these values in the equation gives the length of
Similar argument gives the length of and
Triangles ABC, ADE, AEF, and AFG are highlighted.

The other three triangles are also similar to so the corresponding sides are proportional.

Proportion Solution
Expression Substitution

The length of is or approximately centimeters.

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Practice Using Similarity to Solve Problems

On the diagram all quadrilaterals are similar.