Rotations of Figures in a Plane

Rigid Motions Properties and Examples


Rigid Motion

A rigid motion, or isometry, is a transformation that preserves the distance between any two points on the preimage.
The following diagram displays two logos. The logo with the points and is the preimage and the logo with the points and is the image. The image is the result of a rigid motion because the distances between all points are preserved.
Two logos of Mathleaks with the letters ML and points A, B and their images A' and B'
Rigid motions are also called congruence transformations because the preimage and its image under a rigid motion are congruent figures. Some examples of rigid motions are translations, reflections, and rotations.

Properties of Rigid Motions

A rigid motion preserves the side lengths and angle measures of a polygon. As a result, a rigid motion maintains the exact size and shape of a figure. Still, a rigid motion can affect the position and orientation of the figure.

Rigid motions applied to a polygon


  • A rigid motion preserves the side lengths of a polygon because, by definition, the distance between the vertices do not change.
  • It is accepted without a proof that rigid motions also preserve angle measures.

Translation of Geometric Objects

A translation is a transformation that moves every point of a figure the same distance in the same direction. More precisely, a translation along a vector maps every point in the plane onto its image such that the following statements hold true.

These three properties imply that the quadrilateral formed by the tip of and the tail of is a parallelogram.
Vector v, point A and its image A under a translation along v
Since translations preserve side lengths and angle measures, they are rigid motions. Additionally, translations map lines onto parallel lines.

Reflection of Geometric Objects

A reflection is a transformation in which every point of a figure is reflected across a line. The line across the points are reflected is called the line of reflection and acts like a mirror.
Triangle being reflected across a movable line
More precisely, a reflection across a line maps every point in the plane onto its image such that one of the following statements is satisfied.
  • If is on the line then and are the same point.
  • If is not on the line then is the perpendicular bisector of
Segment AA' intersects line ell perpendicularly, and line ell bisects segment AA'. Points B and B' coincide.

Like rotations and translations, reflections are rigid motions because they preserve the side lengths and angle measures. However, reflections can change the orientation of the preimage.


Rotation of Geometric Objects

A rotation is a transformation in which a figure is turned about a fixed point The number of degrees the figure rotates is the angle of rotation. The fixed point is called the center of rotation. Rotations map every point in the plane to its image such that one of the following statements is satisfied.

  • If is the center of rotation, then and are the same point.
  • If is not the center of rotation, then and are equidistant from , with measuring
Rotations are usually performed counterclockwise unless stated otherwise.
Rotation of point A around center P
Since rotations preserve side lengths and angle measures, they are rigid motions.

Axis Symmetry

A figure in space is said to have axis symmetry if it can be mapped onto itself after a rotation that is strictly between and about a line.
As the example above shows, a hexagonal prism can be rotated or about the axis of symmetry and it would still look the same. It is worth noting that rotating any figure about any axis will not modify how it looks.

Glide Reflection

A glide reflection is a transformation that combines a translation and a reflection across a line parallel to the translation vector. Since a glide reflection is a composition of rigid motions, it is also a rigid motion.
Performing a Glide Reflection on a Triangle
Thanks to the fact that the line of reflection and the translation vector are parallel, a glide reflection could instead be a reflection followed by a translation. That is, the image does not depend on the order of the transformations.
Performing a Glide Reflection on a Triangle
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