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A rigid motion preserves the side lengths and angle measures of a polygon. As a result, a rigid motion maintains the exact size and shape of a figure. Still, a rigid motion can affect the position and orientation of the figure.
A translation is a transformation that moves every point of a figure the same distance in the same direction. More precisely, a translation along a vector v maps every point A in the plane onto its image A′ such that the following statements hold true.
Like rotations and translations, reflections are rigid motions because they preserve the side lengths and angle measures. However, reflections can change the orientation of the preimage.
A rotation is a transformation in which a figure is turned about a fixed point P. The number of degrees the figure rotates α∘ is the angle of rotation. The fixed point P is called the center of rotation. Rotations map every point A in the plane to its image A′ such that one of the following statements is satisfied.