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| 11 Theory slides |
| 6 Exercises - Grade E - A |
| Each lesson is meant to take 1-2 classroom sessions |
Here are a few recommended readings before getting started with this lesson.
In the following applet, four figures are shown. One of the three figures at the bottom is the result of applying a rigid motion or a sequence of rigid motions to the upper figure. Match the preimage with its image.
When working with the different types of rigid motions, it was used that they map a segment into another segment. To verify that this is true, consider a segment AB and any rigid motion. Let C be the image of A and D the image of B.
Because rigid motions preserve distances, CD is equal to AB. Now, to check that every point of AB was actually mapped onto CD, consider a point P on AB different from the endpoints. Let Q be the image of P under the rigid motion.
(I): Add II
(I): Segment Addition Postulate
(I): AB=CD
Rigid motions map n-sided polygons onto n-sided polygons.
Consider a rigid motion and a circle C.
Since rigid motions preserve distances, the image of C is a circle whose radius is equal to the radius of C. Therefore, C′ is the circle centered at P′ and radius r.
The image of C is a circle centered at P′ with radius PQ. Since PQ and P′Q′ are equal, C′ is the circle centered at P′ passing through point Q′.
Since rigid motions map segments into congruent segments and angles into congruent angles, rigid motions can be used to define when a pair of geometric figures are congruent.
≅is used.
Emily and her family are spending the weekend at a lake house. On Saturday afternoon, Emily begins to work on her geometry homework that asks her to determine if the following pair of polygons are congruent.
Unfortunately, Emily left her ruler and protractor at her house and only brought a pencil and a piece of tracing paper.
When two figures are not congruent, no sequence of rigid motions maps one figure onto the other. Even so, it is possible that a rigid motion maps certain parts of the preimage onto their corresponding parts, but not all. For example, consider the following pair of quadrilaterals.
Consider the following pair of quadrilaterals ABCD and PQRS in the coordinate plane.
Furthermore, consider the following sequences of transformations.
Use the orientation of both quadrilaterals to discard one of the sequences. Then, apply the remaining sequences to ABCD, one at a time, to find the image. Compare the image to PQRS.
To determine if any of the given sequences maps ABCD onto PQRS, apply them to ABCD, one at a time, and compare each resulting image to PQRS.
In the following applet, the left-hand side polygon can be translated and rotated.
By applying these rigid motions, determine whether the given pair of polygons are congruent.
Because of copyright, in marketing, two different companies cannot have the same name or logo. Here, knowing how to determine if two figures are congruent is useful in dealing with intellectual property. Sometimes lesser-known brands use logos almost congruent to those of well-known brands. The intention is to receive instant recognition. For instance, consider the well-known logo of MathLeaks and the logo of a startup company called MathLovers.
Congruent figures are everywhere in daily life. For example, the figures formed by lines on one half of a basketball court are congruent to the figures formed on the other half. However, verifying this congruence through rigid motions is a difficult thing to do, given the circumstance of not being able to see the rigid motions occur.
The following figures are congruent.
Examining the figures, we see that they have both different directions and orientations. Therefore, to make them map onto each other, we must perform two rigid motions, a rotation, and a translation.
Let's rotate XYZUV until it has the same orientation as ABCDE.
Finally, we will translate X'Y'Z'U'V' until it maps onto ABCDE.
Now we can pair corresponding angles. ∠ A&≅ ∠ X ∠ B&≅ ∠ V ∠ C&≅ ∠ U ∠ D&≅ ∠ Z ∠ E&≅ ∠ Y
In Part A, we were able to show how the figures would map onto each other. Let's take a look at that translation again.
We can see which pairs are corresponding sides. AB&≅ XV BC&≅ VU CD&≅ UZ DE&≅ ZY EA&≅ YX
For a pair of polygons, ABCD≅FEHG. What rigid motion(s) maps FEHG onto ABCD? Use as few transformations as possible.
Since the quadrilaterals look similar to squares, it might be difficult to identify corresponding vertices. However, we have been given a congruence statement. This helps us identify corresponding vertices by pairing letters with the same position within the given statement. A BC D ≅ F EH G [-1em] A→ F, B → E, C→ H, D→ G Let's highlight the corresponding vertices in the diagram.
We see that we neither need to perform a reflection nor a rotation to make the polygons map onto each other. We only need to make a translation.
Here, we see that the figures have different directions and orientations. We can try to perform both a rotation and a translation. Let's first perform a translation and make one pair of corresponding vertices map onto the other.
Finally, we can perform a rotation to make the figures map onto the other. Looks like it will work!
Looking at the diagram, we see that the quadrilaterals are mirror images of each other in a horizontal line of reflection. Therefore, we can map one shape to the other by reflecting it in a horizontal line that runs halfway between corresponding vertices.
Which of the polygons, B through G, are congruent to A?
Examining the diagram, we see that all of the polygons are rectangles. To determine which figures are congruent to A, we will perform a series of rigid motions and check which map onto A. Let's first rotate all of the rectangles where the shorter side is not horizontal.
Next, we will perform a translation on A such that the bottom left corner matches the bottom left corner of the remaining rectangles. We will perform this translation one figure at a time.
As we can see, B and D are both congruent to A.
Let's break down each statement.
Two polygons are congruent if they have the same shape and size. Notice that all rectangles and squares are quadrilaterals with four right angles. However, this is not enough to determine congruence. For two quadrilaterals to be congruent, they must also have the same size. Rectangles and squares come in different sizes. Therefore, A and C are both false.
Since there is only one dimension that decides the size of a circle, the radius, every circle is, in fact, similar to each other. However, this does not mean that two circles are congruent. The reason being two circles can have different radii.
There are four different transformations a figure can undergo.
Of these transformations, only the first three transformations are examples of rigid motions. These preserve shape and size which means they are what we call congruence transformations. Therefore, Statement D is true.
Any pair of congruent shapes can be mapped onto the other by transforming one of the shapes until it maps onto the other shape. We can only perform this by using rigid motions, which preserve a shape's size and shape. Therefore, this is a true statement.