Mathleaks’ app and website provide individual solutions, hints, and answers to every single exercise in the Pre-Algebra textbooks published by Pearson Education. Envision Math 2.0: Grade 8, Volume 1, which is the first of two books in its series, has an ISBN of 9780328881901 and was authored by Scott Foresman.
Unlike graphing calculators or math solvers, Mathleaks explains every step of an exercise with graphs, figures, and key foundational information. Any student or parent needing help with math homework in a traditional classroom setting, during remote learning, or while homeschooling will benefit from using Mathleaks.
The volume 1 textbook follows the first half of the Common Core Curriculum Standards for students in the 8th grade. The chapters in this volume include Real Numbers, Analyze and Solve Linear Equations, Use Functions to Model Relationships, and Investigate Bivariate Data.
By downloading Mathleaks, every student has access to pedagogical solutions, hints, and answers written by math professionals for every exercise in any Pre-Algebra textbook published by Pearson Education. Mathleaks is every student’s very own digital private tutor in their pocket. It is always available, affordable, and highly educational compared to similar homework helper services. By using Matheaks, gain access to thorough and useful solutions to help learn math.