The Mathleaks app and website provide unique solutions, answers, and hints to every single exercise in the Algebra 2 textbook distributed and published by Pearson Education. The textbook has an ISBN of 9780133281163 and was authored by Charles, Hall, Kennedy, Bellman, Bragg, Handlin, Murphy, and Wiggins. This edition of the textbook was published in 2013.
Unlike graphing calculators or other math calculators, Mathleaks shows every step of an exercise with graphs, figures, and detailed explanations. Every student and parent needing help with math homework in a traditional classroom setting, doing homeschooling, or during remote learning will benefit greatly from using Mathleaks.
The textbook follows the Common Core Curriculum Standards and contains the following chapter titles: Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities, Function, Equations, and Graphs, Linear Systems, Quadratic Functions and Equations, Polynomials and Polynomial Functions, Radical Functions and Rational Exponents, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Rational Functions, Sequences and Series, Quadratic Relations and Conic Sections, Probability and Statistics, Matrices, Periodic Functions and Trigonometry, and Trigonometric Identities and Equations.
By signing up for an account with Mathleaks, every student has access to pedagogical solutions as well as hints and answers for every exercise in the Pearson Algebra 2 textbook. Mathleaks is every student’s very own digital private tutor. It is always available, affordable, and highly educational when compared to similar homework helper services. By using Matheaks, gain access to thorough and useful solutions to help learn math.