Big Ideas Math Integrated III

Chapter 1

Geometric Modeling

Chapter 2

Linear and Quadratic Functions

Chapter 3

Polynomial Functions

Chapter 4

Rational Exponents and Radical Functions

Chapter 5

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Chapter 6

Rational Functions

Chapter 7

Sequences and Series

Chapter 8

Trigonometric Ratios and Functions

Chapter 9

Trigonometric Identities and Formulas

Chapter 10

Data Analysis and Statistics

The publisher Big Ideas Learning published the textbook Big Ideas Math Integrated III. The textbook follows the Common Core Curriculum’s integrated pathway, which is an amalgamation of content and standards pulled from the traditional pathway of Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. The textbook is a research-based program providing a rigorous and coherent curriculum for high school students. Written by renowned authors Ron Larson and Laurie Boswell, they have utilized their expertise as well as the body of knowledge collected by additional expert mathematicians and researchers to develop the courses. To accompany this textbook, Mathleaks math teachers have written thorough and pedagogical textbook solutions for every exercise in Big Ideas Math Integrated 3. Using Mathleaks gives families much needed help with their children's homework. Every textbook solution also includes a hint and a textbook answer. This encourages students to try for themselves before reading the solution. A graphing calculator or math calculator can only provide calculation steps and formulas. Mathleaks solutions are tailormade for each exercise, giving every student their own digital private tutor. The textbook has an ISBN of 9781680330878 and includes the following chapters: geometric modeling, linear and quadratic functions, polynomial functions, rational exponents and radical functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, rational functions, sequences and series, trigonometric ratios and functions, trigonometric identities, formulas, statistics, and data analysis.
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