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An error ocurred, try again later!
Chapter {{ article.chapter.number }}
{{ article.number }}. 

{{ article.displayTitle }}

{{ article.intro.summary }}
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{{ ability.description }} {{ ability.displayTitle }}
Lesson Settings & Tools
{{ 'ml-lesson-number-slides' | message : article.intro.bblockCount }}
{{ 'ml-lesson-number-exercises' | message : article.intro.exerciseCount }}
{{ 'ml-lesson-time-estimation' | message }}
There are lots of things that can be done to a given a geometric figure to obtain a new one. Since a figure is transformed into a new one, these are called transformations.
A quadrilateral ABCD and its image A'B'C'D' under a transformation

Transformations are useful to describe the relationship between two figures. This lesson will discuss two particular types of transformations: translations and reflections.

Catch-Up and Review

Here are a few recommended readings before getting started with this lesson.


Moving a Triangle

In the following applet, arrow dictates how will move to get Try changing the direction and length of the arrow to see different types of movements.
Notice how and are congruent and how the orientation of matches the orientation of