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Chapter {{ article.chapter.number }}
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In Algebra, a function is a relation in which each input value is mapped to exactly one output value. This notion of function can be extended to Geometry. However, the inputs and outputs are not going to be numbers but points.

Catch-Up and Review

Here are a few recommended readings before getting started with this lesson.


Transforming Polygons

In the applet below, four transformations can be applied to different polygons. Each transformation will affect the polygons in different ways.
Different Types of Transformations applied to geometric polygons
Compare the original polygon and the polygon obtained after applying a transformation. In a few words, describe the effect of each transformation.


Transformations as Functions

As stated at the beginning of this lesson, in Geometry, there are functions whose inputs and outputs are points. Such functions are called transformations.


Translating a Polygon

Consider a transformation that translates a polygon. Below, its effect on polygon is shown.
A polygon and its image under the transformation T_1
Compare the side lengths and angle measures between the preimage and the image. Based on this observation, what can be said about


Both and have the same side lengths and angle measures. For this reason, it can be established that does not affect the shape of which means that preserves the side lengths and angle measures.


Use a ruler to find the side lengths of both polygons. To find the angle measures, use a protractor. Make a table comparing the dimensions of and


With the aid of a ruler, the side lengths of both polygons can be found.

Measuring the sides of both polygons

Additionally, with the help of a protractor, the angle measures of both polygons can be determined.

Measuring the angles of both polygons

It is beneficial to summarize the information about the side lengths and angle measures of both polygons in a table.

Dimensions of Dimensions of
cm cm
cm cm
cm cm
cm cm

As it can be seen in the table, both polygons and have the same side lengths and angle measures. Therefore, it can be concluded that does not affect the shape of In fact, only affects the position of the polygon.

The transformation preserves side lengths and angle measures.

It is important to note that the conclusion does not depend on the polygon but on the effect of on the polygon. By transforming different polygons, the same conclusion can be obtained.


Rigid Motions and Their Properties

Notice that the two transformations previously studied share the same property. The transformations neither affected the size nor the shape of the polygon. Still, they did affect the polygon's position on the plane. These types of transformations are called rigid motions.

Because rigid motions preserve distances, there are two properties that can be inferred from the definition.


Properties of Rigid Motions

A rigid motion preserves the side lengths and angle measures of a polygon. As a result, a rigid motion maintains the exact size and shape of a figure. Still, a rigid motion can affect the position and orientation of the figure.

Rigid motions applied to a polygon


  • A rigid motion preserves the side lengths of a polygon because, by definition, the distance between the vertices do not change.
  • It is accepted without a proof that rigid motions also preserve angle measures.


Reflecting a Polygon

Ali and Magdalena are now working with a new transformation This transformation reflects a figure across a line as if the line was a mirror. In one of the attempts, they used a quadrilateral.
A quadrilateral and its image under the transformation T
After seeing the result, Ali concluded that is a rigid motion. However, Magdalena said it is not. Who is correct? Why does Magdalena think that is not a rigid motion?


Ali is correct, is a rigid motion. Magdalena could be confused because the transformation changes the orientation of the quadrilateral.


Verify whether or not the preimage and the image have the same side lengths and angle measures. Notice that modifies the orientation of the quadrilateral.


Using a ruler, the side lengths of both quadrilaterals can be found.

Measuring the side lengths of both quadrilaterals

Next, with a protractor, the angle measures can be found.

Measuring the angles of both quadrilaterals

In the table, all the dimensions found are summarized putting on the same row the dimensions of corresponding parts. For example, and will be in the same row.

Dimensions of Dimensions of
cm cm
cm cm
cm cm
cm cm

As the table shows, both quadrilaterals and have the same side lengths and angle measures. This means that does not affect the shape of the polygon. Consequently, Ali is correct.

The transformation is a rigid motion.

Although is a rigid motion, notice that the orientation of the preimage and the image are not the same. In the preimage, the vertices from to are positioned counterclockwise, while in the image, they are positioned clockwise.

Comparing the Orientation of the preimage and the image

This fact could be what made Magdalena think that is not a rigid motion. Notice that the transformations studied before preserve orientations.


Combining Transformations

Consider the fact that two or more functions can be applied one after the other to an input. Similarly, two or more transformations can be applied one after the other to a preimage.


Composition of Transformations

A composition of transformations, or sequence of transformations, is a combination of two or more transformations. In a composition, the image produced by the first transformation is the preimage of the second transformation. The notation is similar to the notation used for functions in algebra.

Diagram for the composition of transformations T_2(T_1(F))= T_2(F_1)=F_2
If the transformations are rigid motions, the composition is also a rigid motion.
When performing the composition of transformations, the order in which they are applied matters. In some cases, switching the transformations can lead to erroneous results.


Transformations in the Real World

Keep in mind that transformations transcend beyond paper and can be used for many purposes. In the real world, transformations occur everywhere. For example, in nature, lakes perform reflections of landscapes.


Also, different types of transformations can be seen by observing a car, either in rest or in movement.

  • A car moving in a straight line represents a translation.
  • The wheels of a moving car show rotations.
  • Rear-view and side-view mirrors make reflections.
  • Even car windows make reflections, and depending on the object's position, they can also make distortions.