McGraw Hill Glencoe Algebra 1, 2012
McGraw Hill Glencoe Algebra 1, 2012 View details
3. Operations with integers
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Exercise 11 Page p12

When dividing real numbers, the quotient will be positive if the signs are the same and it will be negative if the signs are different.

We want to calculate the quotient of the given quantities.
To do so, remember that when we divide real numbers, the quotient will be positive if the signs are the same and it will be negative if the signs are different.
In our case both numbers are positive, so the quotient will be positive.

Checking Our Answer

We can check our answer by finding the quotient of the given quantities in a calculator. Let's check our math!

We obtain the same result as before. Therefore, we were correct!


Operations with Integers

As we can see, we can apply operations between integers with same or different sign. Let's see what happens in each case.

Sign Operation Result Example
Addition Positive sum
Addition Negative sum
Product Negative Product
Product Positive product
Quotient Positive quotient
Quotient Positive quotient

We need to be aware when the signs are different. In that case, we will have the following results.

  • If the negative number is greater than the positive number, then their sum will be negative.
  • If the positive number is greater than the negative, then their sum will be positive.
  • The product of quotient of two numbers having different signs will be negative.

For those of you who are interested in learning more about operations with integers, you can read more about them on the following pages.