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Here is some recommended reading before getting started with this lesson.
For some geometric figures, it is possible to find a transformation that maps the figures onto themselves. In such cases, the transformation is called a symmetry of the figure.
While walking downtown, Heichi and Paulina saw a store with the following logo. They began to discuss whether the logo has rotational symmetry. To figure it out, they went into the store and took a business card each.
Rotate the logo 360∘ about its center. If possible, verify where along the way the rotation matches the original logo.
In the first exploratory applet, it was studied whether a rectangle has rotational symmetry. Now, a parallelogram will be studied. Consider a parallelogram ABCD.
Yes, the parallelogram has rotational symmetry.
The symmetries of a figure help determine the properties of that figure. For instance, since a parallelogram has 180∘ rotational symmetry, its opposite sides and angles will match when rotated 180∘, which allows for the establishment of the following property.
The opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are congruent.
Is there another type of symmetry apart from the rotational symmetry? The answer is yes. Some figures can be folded along a certain line in such a way that all the sides and angles will lay on top of each other. In this case, it is said that the figure has line symmetry.
After learning about line symmetry, Paulina and Heichi decided to study whether some quadrilaterals are line symmetric. To start, they picked a parallelogram.
Try to find a line along which the parallelogram can be bent so that all the sides and angles are on top of each other. The lines containing the diagonals or the lines connecting the midpoints of opposite sides are always good options to start.
To determine whether the parallelogram ABCD is line symmetric, it needs to be checked if there is a line such that when ABCD is reflected on it, the image lies on top of the preimage. Before start testing lines, mark the midpoints of each side.
Despite the previous example showing a parallelogram with no line symmetry, other types of parallelograms should be studied first before making a general conclusion. Consider a rectangle and a rhombus. Study whether or not they are line symmetric.
If both polygons are line symmetric, compare their lines of symmetry.
Both rectangles and rhombi have line symmetry. Rectangles have lines of symmetry connecting midpoints of opposite sides, while rhombi have lines of symmetry along its diagonals.
For each polygon, consider the lines along the diagonals and the lines connecting midpoints of opposite sides.
Before, it was said that rectangles, rhombi, and squares are special kinds of parallelograms because they all have 180∘ rotational symmetry. In addition, rectangles and rhombi have line symmetry.
Polygon | Line Symmetry |
Rectangles | Along the lines connecting midpoints of opposite sides |
Rhombi | Along the lines containing the diagonals |
Does a square have line symmetry?
Yes, squares are line symmetric. They have four lines of symmetries — two of them connect the midpoints of opposite sides and the other two contain its diagonals.
The lines containing the diagonals or the lines connecting the midpoints of opposite sides are always good options.
The line symmetries of a square confirm the claim made previously that squares belong to a particular class of parallelograms.
Polygon | Number of Line Symmetries | Line Symmetry |
Rectangles | 2 | Along the lines connecting midpoints of opposite sides |
Rhombi | 2 | Along the lines containing the diagonals |
Squares | 4 | Two along the lines connecting midpoints of opposite sides and two along the lines containing the diagonals |
Notice that two symmetries of the square correspond to the rectangle's symmetries and the other two correspond to the rhombus symmetries. This suggests that squares are a particular case of rectangles and rhombi.
Paulina and Heichi have the task of investigating whether trapezoids have some symmetry. The teacher gave them the diagram below, but she told them to try any trapezoid they could imagine.
What conclusion should Paulina and Heichi reach?
Trapezoids have no rotational symmetry and have line symmetry only when the trapezoid is isosceles. In this case, the line of symmetry is the line passing through the midpoints of the bases.
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides. Then, parallelograms are not trapezoids. Do not forget to try with isosceles trapezoids.
A trapezoid has line symmetry only when it is isosceles trapezoid.
In this case, the line of symmetry is the line passing through the midpoints of each base.
Symmetries are not defined only for two-dimensional figures. The definition can also be extended to three-dimensional figures. In the real world, there are plenty of three-dimensional figures that have some symmetry. For example, sunflowers are rotationally symmetric while butterflies are line symmetric.