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Chapter {{ article.chapter.number }}
{{ article.number }}. 

{{ article.displayTitle }}

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Lesson Settings & Tools
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This lesson explores two new transformations, rotations and dilations. Rotations move shapes around a central point, while dilations either enlarge or shrink geometric figures without changing their shape.

Catch-Up and Review

Here are a few recommended readings before getting started with this lesson.


Rotating Points About a Fixed Point

In the following applet, points and are movable. Arrange them as desired, then use the slider bar to rotate the points around the central point
Points A, B, C and D that can be rotated around Point P, a slider that determines the rotation angle, and a length measurement tool
Use the measuring tool to fill in the following table with the distances between and the image and preimage of each point.
What conclusions can be drawn from the table? Repeat the process with different arrangements of points as needed to see a pattern.

Rotating a Triangle About a Fixed Point

This time, use the slider bar to rotate triangle about point
Rotating a Triangle About Point P
Then, use the measuring tool to determine the angle measures of and
Change the triangle and perform the same procedure. What can be said about rotations? Does the conclusion depend on the position of relative to the triangle?


A rotation is a transformation in which a figure is turned about a fixed point The number of degrees the figure rotates is the angle of rotation. The fixed point is called the center of rotation. Rotations map every point in the plane to its image such that one of the following statements is satisfied.

  • If is the center of rotation, then and are the same point.
  • If is not the center of rotation, then and are equidistant from , with measuring
Rotations are usually performed counterclockwise unless stated otherwise.
Rotation of point A around center P
Since rotations preserve side lengths and angle measures, they are rigid motions.

Rotation of a Point Around Another Point

Rotations can be performed by hand with the help of a straightedge, a compass, and a protractor.

Points P and A

To rotate point about point by an angle of measured counterclockwise, follow these five steps.

Using the straightedge, draw the segment connecting the center of rotation and point
Drawing the segment connecting P and A
Place the Protractor

Place the center of the protractor on and align it with

Placing the protractor on segment PA so that the rotation is counterclockwise

The protractor is placed as illustrated above when the rotation is counterclockwise. If the rotation has to be done clockwise, the protractor needs to be placed as follows.

Placing the protractor so that the rotation is clockwise
Mark the Desired Angle

Locate the corresponding measure on the protractor and make a small mark. In this case, the mark will be made at

Making a mark at 130 degrees
Draw a Ray
Using the straightedge, draw a ray with starting point that passes through the mark made in the previous step.
Drawing a Ray starting a P that makes a 130 degree angle with segment PA
Draw Point
Place the compass tip on and open it to the distance between and Without changing this setting and keeping the point of the compass at draw a small arc centered at that intersects the ray drawn before.
Measuring PA with the compass and making an arc that intersects the ray drawn before
The intersection of the ray and the arc is the image after the give rotation.
Points P, A, and A' (image of A under a 130 degree rotation about P)

Notice that this method of construction has also confirmed that is congruent to



Vincenzo and Zosia are two friends who love exploring the world of puzzles. Within the pages of a book discussing transformations, they find a circular disk with letters on it. They decide to call the disk a Cyrptawheel. The Cryptawheel has a movable triangle with one vertex fixed at the center of the circular disk. To reveal its secrets, the friends need to rotate the triangle.
Circular paper with some letters on it and triangular paper with vertices pointing N and E
Two vertices of the triangle show the letters N and E. These are the first two letters of a clue. Rotate the triangle clockwise around its fixed vertex to find the other two letters. Zosia wants to perform this rotation using a protractor to be mathematically sure. Help her in this task.


Start by rotating the vertices of the triangle. To do so, use a protractor to draw a angle.


Zosia's goal is to find the image of the triangle after a clockwise rotation about its fixed vertex. Labeling the vertices of the triangle will make this rotation process simpler.

Trianglewith vertices N, E and O

The center of rotation is and the angle of rotation is Perform the rotation by rotating one point at a time. To rotate place the center of the protractor on and align it with Use the protractor to draw a ray that starts from and makes a angle with

Triangle NEO, a protractor centered at point O, and a ray starting at O and forming a straight line with side NO

Then, mark a point on this ray so that is the same length as This is the image of after the rotation. Since is the radius of the inner circle, should also be on that circle.

Triangle NEO and ray ON'

Repeat the same process for the vertex to find Since is the center of rotation, will be in the same position as

Triangle NEO and a ray starting at O and forming a straight line with side EO

Finally connect and to draw the image of after the rotation.

Triangle NEO and triangle N'E'O'

As shown, the image corresponds to P and corresponds to T. Therefore, the clue Vincenzo and Zosia is looking for is NEPT.


Visualizing the Rotation
Vincenzo, on the other hand, completes this rotation task by solely relying on his eyes, without the use of any extra tools. The applet shows how he rotated the triangle about its fixed vertex.
Notice that a clockwise rotation and a counterclockwise rotation produce the same image. Therefore, there is no need to specify direction when rotating a figure by
Pop Quiz

Practice Rotating Triangles

Rotate triangle around the red point with the specified angle and direction. Use the measuring tool to determine where the vertices of the triangle will end up after the rotation.

Performing random rotations to random triangles

Rotating a Point Around the Origin at and

In the coordinate plane, when a point is rotated counterclockwise around the origin at certain angles, its coordinates change in a specific way. This occurs when the angle of rotation is or Try to figure these patterns out using the following applet.
Rotations of a points about the origin
From the diagram, the following rules can be set.
Counterclockwise Rotations Around the Origin
Angle of Rotation Rule

A Gateway to a New Realm

The clue Vincenzo and Zosia found reminded them of the word Neptune.

Vincenzo had previously heard stories about this magical place. He had even heard about three ordinary students who had found a door into a mystical library. Could this be another doorway to that place? As they got closer, a puzzle appeared between the columns of the gate.

External credits: macrovector
Graph the figure and its image after a counterclockwise rotation about the origin on the same coordinate plane.



When a point with coordinates is rotated counterclockwise about the origin, its image becomes


Zosia and Vincenzo want to rotate the figure counterclockwise around the origin. This can be achieved by rotating each point of the original figure. In this case, four points will be sufficient to determine the position of the image.

When a counterclockwise rotation is performed about the origin, the coordinates of the image can be written in relation to the coordinates of the preimage.

Counterclockwise Rotations About the Origin
Rotation Rotation Rotation
Use the coordinate changes shown in the table that correspond to a counterclockwise rotation about the origin to determine the coordinates of the image of each point.
Now plot the image points and connect them. The final figure will be the image of the given figure after the rotation!


Visualizing the Rotation
The applet shows how the figure is rotated counterclockwise about the origin. Notice that this rotation maps quadrilateral onto quadrilateral

Exploring Dilations

The gate swings open as the figure rotates into place. Zosia takes the first step through the gate, while Vincenzo hesitantly waits to see what happens. Use the sliders to see how Zosia's size changes as she passes through the gate and down the hall.
External credits: Laitche, macrovector
As he watches Zosia's size change with amazement, Vincenzo notices that her image changes relative to a fixed point. How can this point be identified?

Dilating a Drawing

Feeling braver, Vincenzo steps through the gate as well. Inside, her and Zosia find an old notebook with a big red dot on one page. Zosia draws a figure on the page and watches as it changes size.
The friends are excited about the magical discovery and eager to comprehend the logic behind it. What other surprises lie ahead?

How to Dilate?

As they explore the magical realm, Vincenzo and Zosia come across Dilatius the Dimension Shifter, a wizard who can change the size of objects using dilations. They realize that the notebook they found belongs to the wizard and excitedly ask him to teach them about dilation. Dilatius thrilled to share his knowledge with them.