Pearson Algebra 2 Common Core, 2011
Pearson Algebra 2 Common Core, 2011 View details
End-of-Course Assessment

Exercise 62 Page 970

Start by rewriting the first two columns to the right of the determinant.


Practice makes perfect

To evaluate the determinant of a matrix, we use the diagonal rule.

  1. Rewrite the first two columns to the right of the determinant.
  2. Draw diagonals, beginning with the upper-left number. Multiply the numbers in each diagonal.
  3. Repeat the second step, this time beginning with the upper-right number.
  4. Find the sum of the products of the numbers in each set of diagonals, and subtract the second sum from the first.

Let's do it!


We will write the given determinant and copy the first two columns on the right-hand side.