Pearson Algebra 2 Common Core, 2011
Pearson Algebra 2 Common Core, 2011 View details
End-of-Course Assessment

Exercise 55 Page 969

Practice makes perfect
a We will graph the parent reciprocal function To do so, we will first make a table of values to see the positive and negative values of

Notice that is defined for all real numbers except Therefore, there is no intercept. Moreover, since the numerator is never there is no intercept. Knowing this, let's connect the points with a smooth curve.

Graph of f(x)=1/x. Points on the graph for x=-4,-1,-0.25,0.25,1,4 are shown.

b We will examine the graph of by comparing the graph of To do so, let's remember the general form of the reciprocal function family.
In this form, the value of refers to stretches, shrinks, or reflections of the parent function Moreover, the value of represents the horizontal translation and represents the vertical translation. With this in mind, let's examine
As we can see, is a stretch of the graph of by a factor of and it is followed by a translation units to the Let's see them on the same coordinate plane.
graph of f and g
c We are asked to find the horizontal asymptote of the graph of Let's remember that in the general form of the reciprocal function, the line represents the horizontal asymptote.
Therefore, is the horizontal asymptote of
d This time we will identify the vertical asymptote. One more time, we will recall that in the general form of the reciprocal function the line represents the vertical asymptote.
Therefore, is the vertical asymptote of Notice that the function is undefined at because it makes the denominator
This means that is not included in the domain of the function. We can conclude that the domain of a rational function does not include the vertical asymptotes.