{{ 'ml-label-loading-course' | message }}
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{{ tocHeader }} {{ 'ml-btn-view-details' | message }}
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Chapter {{ article.chapter.number }}
{{ article.number }}. 

{{ article.displayTitle }}

{{ article.intro.summary }}
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{{ ability.description }} {{ ability.displayTitle }}
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{{ 'ml-lesson-number-slides' | message : article.intro.bblockCount }}
{{ 'ml-lesson-number-exercises' | message : article.intro.exerciseCount }}
{{ 'ml-lesson-time-estimation' | message }}

Weighted Mean

The weighted mean, or the weighted average, of a numerical data set is a type of mean used when some data values are weighted more than others. This mean is defined as the sum of the product of the weights and associated data values divided by the sum of the weights.

As an example, consider three point assignments that are worth different percentages of the total grade of a course. The following table shows the scores of a student on each assignment.

Assignment Score Weight
Term Paper
Decimal forms of the percentages are used in the formula to find the weighted mean of the student.
If the weights are equal — regardless of the value — then the weighted mean equals the arithmetic mean.
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