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Chapter {{ article.chapter.number }}
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Two segments with a common endpoint form an angle. If the free endpoints of each segment are connected, then three angles are formed, one at each endpoint. The plane figure formed by these three angles and segments is called a triangle. In this lesson, the definition and different classifications of triangles are studied.

Catch-Up and Review

Here are a few recommended readings before getting started with this lesson.


Studying the Angle Type

Consider three segments and that form three angles. Click and drag point to change the shape of the figure.
A triangle with a free vertex
What types of angle are formed at vertex

Matchstick Riddles

Dylan and Zosia love to solve riddles and decided to have a competition to see who can solve them faster. In one riddle, they have to form a triangle with three matchsticks that are and centimeters long.

Three matchsticks

Dylan says that such a triangle cannot be formed, while Zosia says it can. Who is right?


Figures With Three Angles

Consider an angle such that its two sides are segments.

Angle ABC

If the free endpoints of each side and are connected by a segment, a figure with three sides and three angles is formed. This kind of figure is called a triangle.



A triangle is a polygon with three angles and three sides. The symbol is used to algebraically denote a triangle. Next to this symbol, the three vertices of the triangle are written in any order. For example, and both denote the triangle whose vertices are and

Interactive triangle with movable vertices

Triangles With Three Acute Angles

Triangles can be classified according to the measures of their interior angles into four different types. The first type includes those triangles in which the three angles are acute.


Acute Triangle

An acute triangle is a triangle where all angles are acute. In other words, the three angle measures are less than

Acute triangle vs. Non acute triangle

Triangles With a Right Angle

The second type of triangle groups all those triangles that have one right angle.


Right Triangle

A right triangle is a triangle that has one right angle. The side opposite the right angle is always the longest and is known as the hypotenuse. The other sides are commonly called legs. Notice that in a right triangle, the legs are perpendicular to each other.

Right triangle vs. Not a right triangle

Triangles With an Obtuse Angle

The next type of triangle includes those triangles that have one obtuse angle.


Obtuse Triangle

An obtuse triangle is a triangle that has one obtuse angle. In other words, one of the angles measures more than

obtuse triangle vs. Not an obtuse triangle

Triangles With Three Congruent Angles

The last classification of triangles according to the measure of their angles consists of those triangles that have three angles of the same measure.


Equiangular Triangle

An equiangular triangle is a triangle in which the three angles have the same measure. In other words, the three angles are congruent. In fact, the three angles measure each.
Interactive triangle with a movable vertex
Notice that an equiangular triangle is also an acute triangle. In an equiangular triangle, the three sides have the same measure.
Pop Quiz

Classifying Triangles

Classify the given triangle according to its angle measures as an acute, right, or obtuse triangle.

Random triangles

Segments With the Same Length

The same way two angles with the same measure are called congruent angles, there is a special term for two segments that have the same length.


Congruent Segments

Two segments are congruent segments if both have the same length. In a diagram, congruent segments are usually indicated by the same number of ticks. The symbol is used to express algebraically that two segments are congruent.
Two congruent segments AB and CD
Therefore, if then

Triangles With Three Congruent Sides

In addition to their angle measures, triangles can also be classified by comparing the lengths of their three sides. There are three different types. The first includes those triangles in which all three sides have the same length.


Equilateral Triangle

An equilateral triangle is a triangle in which the three sides have the same length. In other words, the three sides are congruent.
Interactive triangle with a movable vertex
In an equilateral triangle, the three angles have the same measure. Therefore, equilateral triangles are also equiangular triangles.

Triangles With Only Two Congruent Sides

The second way of classifying a triangle according to its side lengths includes all the triangles in which only two sides have the same length.


Isosceles Triangle

An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has exactly two sides of the same length. In other words, it has two congruent sides. The congruent sides are called legs while the third side is called the base. The angle between the legs is called the vertex angle and the other two angles are called base angles.
Interactive triangle with a movable vertex
In an isosceles triangle, the base angles are congruent angles — they have the same measure.

Triangles With Three Different Side Lengths

The last classification of triangles based on their side lengths is when the three sides have different lengths.


Scalene Triangle

A scalene triangle is a triangle in which all three sides have different lengths. In other words, it has no congruent sides.
Interactive triangle with a movable vertex
Additionally, in a scalene triangle, the three angles have different measures. In other words, scalene triangles have no congruent angles.
Pop Quiz

Classifying Triangles From Their Side Lengths

Classify the given triangle according to its side lengths as an equilateral, isosceles, or scalene triangle.

Random triangles

Triangle Inequality Theorem

In any triangle, the sum of the lengths of any two sides is greater than the length of the third side.
A triangle with movable vertices. The side lengths are printed. Three inequalities.
Therefore, given a triangle three inequalities hold true.

Challenging Lunch

At lunch, Ali challenged Dylan and Zosia to build a triangle with the objects they had on hand. He offered a free dessert to whoever did it successfully.

Three friends eating

Since Zosia brought Chinese food and a soft drink, she decided to use the two chopsticks and the straw to build her triangle. The straw is centimeters long and the chopsticks are each centimeters long.

Chinese food, straw, and chopsticks

For his part, Dylan decided to use a pen, a short pencil, and a small crayon from his backpack. The pen, pencil, and crayon are and centimeters long, respectively.

Backpack, pencil, pen, and crayon
Who will get the free dessert?


Check if the lengths of the objects satisfy the Triangle Inequality Theorem.


In order for three segments to form a triangle, their lengths must satisfy the Triangle Inequality Theorem. In other words, the sum of the lengths of any two segments must be greater than the length of the third segment. Consider Zosia's and Dylan's attempts separately.


Start by writing the lengths of the objects that Zosia chose.

Object Length (cm)

Now, calculate the sums of the lengths of the possible pairs of objects and check if they are greater than the length of the third object.

Pair of Objects Sum of Lengths Object Comparison
Straw and Chopstick Chopstick
Straw and Chopstick Chopstick
Chopstick and Chopstick Straw

As shown, the sum of the lengths of any two objects is always greater than the length of the third object. Therefore, Zosia can form a triangle with the objects she chose, so she will get a free dessert!

Isosceles triangle formed with a straw and two chopsticks

Notice that the triangle has two sides of the same length, which means that Zozia built an isosceles triangle.


Dylan can build a triangle with the objects he chose only if their lengths meet the Triangle Inequality Theorem. Follow the same process to see if he can earn a free dessert. Begin by writing the lengths of the objects.

Object Length (cm)

Next, calculate the sums of the lengths of the possible pairs of objects and verify if they are greater than the length of the third object.

Pair of Objects Sum of Lengths Object Comparison
Pen and Pencil Crayon
Pen and Crayon Pencil
Pencil and Crayon Pen

The sum of the lengths of the pencil and the crayon in the last row of the table is not greater than the length of the pen, which means that the object's lengths do not meet the Triangle Inequality Theorem. Dylan cannot build a triangle with the objects he chose, so he will not get a free dessert. Bummer!

pencil, pen, and crayon
Pop Quiz

Building a Triangle

Determine whether the given segments can form a triangle.
Random Segments
Recall that three segments can form a triangle if their lengths satisfy the Triangle Inequality Theorem.



There is no need to verify all three inequalities. Just check whether the sum of the lengths of the two shorter segments is greater than the length of the longer segment.


Solving the Riddle

At the beginning of the lesson, Dylan and Zosia were challenged to form a triangle using three matchsticks. However, they came to opposite conclusions. Dylan claimed that no triangle could be formed with the given matches, while Zosia said that a triangle could be formed.

Three matchsticks

The riddle can be solved with the information given in this lesson. The three matches can form a triangle if they satisfy the Triangle Inequality Theorem. In other words, check whether the sum of the lengths of any pair of matches is greater than the length of the third match.

Pair of Matches Sum of Lengths Third Match Comparison
Match & Match
Match & Match
Match & Match

As shown, the sum of the lengths of the two shorter matches is not greater than the length of the longest match. Therefore, the given matchsticks cannot form a triangle. Dylan was right!

Conversation between two friends
Before moving forward, keep in mind that a triangle can be classified simultaneously by angle measures and side lengths.
Interactive triangle with a movable vertex
There are a lot more facts about triangles to study! This information will be explored later in the course.
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