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Area of a Spherical Lune

The area of a spherical lune on a sphere with radius made from two great circles that are separated by an angle given in degrees, is the product of and divided by
This formula results from dividing the surface area of a sphere with radius by It is important to note that this formula works for angles given in degrees. However, the formula changes if the angle is given in radians to the following.

Here, the surface area of a sphere is divided by


Proof of the Formula for the Area of a Spherical Lune

Consider a two-dimensional view from the top of the spherical lune.

Top view of spherical lune
Let be the area of the spherical lune. It should be noted that if is equal to the surface area of the sphere. Therefore, it is possible to relate the formula for the surface area of a sphere and for other angles writing a proportion.
This proportion can be solved to find the value of
Solve for
If the angle is given in radians the reasoning is the same, but there is a change. Instead of considering the total circumference angle as the total circumference angle is This changes the formula as follows.
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