McGraw Hill Glencoe Geometry, 2012
McGraw Hill Glencoe Geometry, 2012 View details
3. Conditional Statements
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Exercise 65 Page 114

Review the truth table for conditional statements.

True. Since the conclusion is false, the converse of the statement must be true. The converse and inverse are logically equivalent, so the inverse is also true.

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Let's begin by reviewing the concept of a conditional and its inverse.

Conditional Inverse
We know that the hypothesis is and the conclusion is
To form the inverse, we negate both the hypothesis and the conclusion of the conditional. The negation of true is false, and the negation of false is true.
Recall that when a hypothesis is false, the conditional will always be considered true, regardless of whether the conclusion is true or false. In this case, the hypothesis of the inverse is false, so we can conclude that the inverse of our statement is true.