McGraw Hill Glencoe Algebra 1, 2012
McGraw Hill Glencoe Algebra 1, 2012 View details
Standardized Test Practice

Exercise 8 Page 71

a We can find the perimeter of each figure by counting the number of outermost sides they have. Consider the first figure.
Figure 1
We find its perimeter by counting the outermost sides.
The perimeter of the first figure is By following the same procedure, the perimeters of figures and can be found.
Figure Perimeter

b Let's try to find a pattern in the figures. We will distinguish between the types of sides with two different colors.

In the first figure there are only red sides, and no blue sides. Transitioning from Figure to Figure the number of red edges remains while we add blue edges.

Going from Figure to Figure the number of red edges remains the same — while the number of blue edges increase by another Using this observation, we can rewrite the perimeters of the first three figures.
Examining the sequence we have created, we see that between two figures the perimeter increases by units. This gives us a formula for the perimeter of the figure.
To make sure that this is correct, lets substitute and into the formula.
Substitute Simplify
The results are and as expected.
c We have already found a formula for the perimeter of the figure. Let's use it to find the perimeter of Figure by substituting into our formula.
The perimeter of Figure is