Let's find the amount of protein that Ms. Beal consumed from each kind of food.
Bran Muffin
She had
1 bran muffin. From the table we can see how much protein
1 muffin contains.
3 grams
Orange Juice
Ms. Beal drank
16 ounces of orange juice. According to the table,
8 ounces contain
2 grams of protein. Since she drank double this amount, the amount of protein she consumed was twice as much.
2⋅2=4 grams
Sunflower Seeds
1 ounce of sunflower seeds there are
2 grams of protein. Ms. Beal ate
3 ounces, so the amount of protein is
3 times that.
3⋅2=6 grams
Turkey Slices
Ms. Beal ate
2 slices of turkey, so if there are
12 grams of protein in one slice of turkey, in two slices there must be two times more.
2⋅12=24 grams
1 cup of spinach there are
5 grams of protein, but Ms. Beal only had half of one cup. This means she consumed half the amount of protein listed in the table.
25=2.5 grams
In Total
Adding together all of the sources of protein, we will get how many grams of protein Ms. Beal had.