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Chapter {{ article.chapter.number }}
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 Understanding Similarity Transformations

Similar Figures

Two figures are similar figures if there is a composition of similarity transformations that maps one figure onto the other. In other words, two figures are similar if they have the same shape and the ratios of their corresponding linear measures are equal. The symbol indicates that two figures are similar.
Showing that polygons are similar.
When writing a similarity statement, the corresponding vertices must be listed in the same order as they appear. The relationship between the two given polygons has multiple similarity statements. Consider two of them.
The same definition applies to three-dimensional shapes.
Showing that polyhedrons are similar.
Now, consider one of the possible similarity statements for the given polyhedrons.

Note that for two-dimensional figures, all squares are similar and all circles are similar. Similarly, for figures, all cubes are similar and all spheres are similar.

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