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 Constructing and Interpreting Two-Way Frequency Tables

Two-Way Frequency Table

A two-way frequency table, also known as a two-way table, displays categorical data that can be grouped into two categories. One of the categories is represented in the rows of the table, the other in the columns. For example, the table below shows the results of a survey where participants were asked if they have a driver's license and if they own a car.
Two-way table
Here, the two categories are car and driver's license. Both have possible responses of yes and no. The numbers in the table are called joint frequencies. Also, two-way frequency tables often include the total of the rows and columns — these are called marginal frequencies. Select any frequency in the table below to display more information.
two-way table
The sum of the Total row and the Total column, which in this case is equals the sum of all joint frequencies. This is called the grand total. A joint frequency of shows that people have a driver's license and own a car. A marginal frequency of shows that people do not have a car. The rest of the numbers from the table can also be interpreted.
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