Big Ideas Math Algebra 2, 2014
Big Ideas Math Algebra 2, 2014 View details
5. Using Recursive Rules with Sequences
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Exercise 65 Page 450

Use a spreadsheet.

The number of monts:
The last payment:
Explanation: See solution.

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Let be balance after the payment. We are asked to find how long it takes to pay back the loan. To do this, we will find a recursive rule for Then we will use a spreadsheet.

Recursive Rule

Since the annual interest rate is the monthly interest rate is This tells us that the balance increases by a factor of each month, and then the payment of is subtracted.
You borrow This tells us the balance at the beginning of the first month is Therefore, We are asked to find how long it takes to pay back the loan. To do this we will use a spreadsheet.


Let's enter in cell A1 and write in cell A2. When we hit enter we will get the following.
Notice that the balance after the first payment is in cell A2. This tells us that the balance after the payment is in the row. Next, in the spreadsheet, copy cell A2, highlight cells A3 through A17, and paste.
The spreadsheet in the row shows that after the usual payment of the balance is Therefore, the last payment should be This tells us it will take months to pay back the loan.