0. Preparing for Precalculus 10 Subchapters
1. Functions from a Calculus Perspective p. 3-83 14 Subchapters
2. Power, Polynomial and Rational Functions p. 85-155 13 Subchapters
3. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions p. 157-217 12 Subchapters
4. Trigonometric Functions p. 219-309 14 Subchapters
5. Trigonometric Identities and Equations p. 311-361 12 Subchapters
6. Systems of Equations and Matrices p. 363-419 12 Subchapters
7. Conic Sections and Parametric Equations p. 421-479 12 Subchapters
8. Vectors p. 481-531 11 Subchapters
9. Polar Coordinates and Complex Numbers p. 533-587 11 Subchapters
10. Sequences and Series p. 589-651 13 Subchapters
11. Inferential Statistics p. 653-733 14 Subchapters
12. Limits and Derivatives p. 735-799 12 Subchapters