McGraw Hill Glencoe Algebra 1, 2012
McGraw Hill Glencoe Algebra 1, 2012 View details
4. Scientific Notation
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Exercise 19 Page 417

Practice makes perfect
a To write one hundredth and one micron in standard form, let's begin by writing one hundredth as a fraction.
Let's do the same for one micron.
In standard form one hundredth is and one micron is
b Let's review the steps of going from standard form to scientific notation.
  1. Move the decimal to the right of the first nonzero digit. This results in a real number
  2. Note the number of places and the direction that you moved the decimal point.
  3. If the decimal point is moved left, write the number as If the decimal point is moved right, write the number as
  4. Remove any unnecessary zeros.
To write one hundredth and one micron in scientific notation, let's reference the standard form written in Part A.

Now we can follow the steps. Let's begin with one hundredth.

Step Work Result
The decimal point moved places to the right.
Since the decimal moved to the right, we will write it as
Remove the unnecessary zeros.

Let's continue with one micron.

Step Work Result
The decimal point moved places to the right.
Since the decimal moved to the right, we will write it as
Remove the unnecessary zeros.

So one hundredth written in scientific notation is and one micron is

c The smallest size particle that the filter will stop is one hundredth of a micron. We can get the standard form by multiplying their standard form equivalent. Then we will do the same for the scientific version.
We can also multiply both of the standard forms to obtain the same answer in standard form. The smallest size particle that the filter will stop is or