To solve the given using a graphing calculator, we need to treat each side of the inequality symbol as its own individual .
Then we can look for the values of
x where the value of
34x+1 is
greater than or equal to the value of
32x+2. In other words, we want to find the values of
x where the graph of
y=34x+1 lies
above the graph of
Graphing the Functions
Press Y= on the calculator to access the screen to input our .
To draw the graph, press the GRAPH button.
Finding the Solution Set
We see that the graphs at a point. The x-coordinate of this point can be found by pressing 2ND and then CALC.
After selecting the intersect
option, we choose the first and second curves. Then, the calculator asks for a guess where the intersection point might be. After that, it will calculate the exact point for us.
The lines intersect at
x=1.5, or
x=23. Tracing the lines on the calculator screen using the
TRACE button, we can see that
y=34x+1 is the upper line
after the intersection. Since the inequality is , it is also true at the point of intersection. This means that the given inequality holds true when
We can now write the for our inequality.