McGraw Hill Glencoe Algebra 1, 2012
McGraw Hill Glencoe Algebra 1, 2012 View details
3. Solving Multi-Step Inequalities
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Exercise 53 Page 302

To solve the given inequality using a graphing calculator, we need to treat each side of the inequality symbol as its own individual equation.
Then we can look for the values of where the value of is the value of In other words, we want to find the values of where the graph of lies the graph of

Graphing the Functions

Press on the calculator to access the screen to input our functions.

Fönster med funktioner

To draw the graph, press the button.

Fönster med en graf

Finding the Solution Set

We see that the graphs intersect at a point. The coordinate of this point can be found by pressing and then

Graffönster från TI-82

After selecting the intersect option, we choose the first and second curves. Then, the calculator asks for a guess where the intersection point might be. After that, it will calculate the exact point for us.

Window with a graph
The lines intersect at or Tracing the lines on the calculator screen using the button, we can see that is the upper line after the intersection. Since the inequality is non-strict, it is also true at the point of intersection. This means that the given inequality holds true when
We can now write the solution set for our inequality.