McGraw Hill Glencoe Algebra 1, 2012
McGraw Hill Glencoe Algebra 1, 2012 View details
6. Regression and Median-Fit Lines
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Exercise 2 Page 259

We have been given a table with the percent of Americans who have broadband connection at home.


To write an equation of the regression line for the data, we first have to enter our ordered pairs into lists in our calculator. We can do this by pressing the button.

Illustration of the STAT menu on the calculator

Then we choose the first option in the menu, Edit, and fill in the values in the lists and

Illustration of the lists on the calculator with six ordered pairs written

Once the values have been entered, a regression can be performed by pressing the button again followed by using the right-arrow key to select the CALC menu.

Illustration of the STAT + CALC menu on the calculator

This menu lists the various regressions that are available. If we choose the fourth option in the menu, LinReg(ax+b), the calculator performs a linear regression using the data that was entered.

Illustration of the LinReg(ax+b) window on the calculator
We find the equation of the regression line by substituting the values for and into the formula. We round the values to two decimal places.
To estimate the percentage of year-olds with broadband, we substitute into the equation and simplify.
Evaluate right-hand side
According to our linear regression of the data, about of all years-olds have homes with broadband.