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 Using Ratios and Solving Proportions


A rate is a ratio that compares two quantities measured in different units. For example, a certain species of bamboo grows feet in height in years. Then, is its rate of growth. Here are some other possible examples of rate.
Some example rates and the corresponding scenarios
Rates might be most useful when finding how much of something is per unit of something else. Such a comparison is called a unit rate. If the given rates are not already unit rates, they can be determined by some calculations. Dive deeper into two of the previous examples.
Scenario Rate Unit Rate
Kriz finds Pokémon every days. Pokémon per days,
Pokémon per days
Pokémon per day,
Pokémon per year
At a party, candies were eaten by kids. candies per kids,
candies per kids
candies per kid

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Finding the Unit Rate
Write the rate of the Pokémon scenario as a fraction to determine its unit rate.
Next, divide both units by the denominator of the fraction to have day on the denominator. In this case, divide both units by
Since a year has days, multiply this unit rate per day by to find the unit rate per year.
The unit rate for the candy per kid can be determined in a similar fashion.
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