Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publishes textbooks for American High Schools. The Mathleaks app offers expert solutions and answers for Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 in Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s publications.

Expert Textbook Solutions

Browse your textbook above, and you’ll find expert solutions, hints, and answers to all the exercises. No more guessing or wondering. The solution is always presented as a step-by-step explanation with theory, figures, and graphs included to make it easy to understand. Mathleaks covers the most commonly adopted textbooks with more than 250000 expert solutions.

Mathleaks Solver

Take your math studies to the next level and find solutions outside of the textbook. Use your smartphone or tablet – Mac or Android – to scan and solve exercises with our math solver. The solver reads equations and expressions instantly with your device’s camera. It’s all quick and easy with the Mathleaks app or on our website. Work and study smarter, not harder!

Mathleaks Community

Find support through the world's most popular math community. With Mathleaks you can find other students all over the US studying with the same textbook or in math course as you.

With Mathleaks, you have instant access to expert solutions and answers in Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publications. Additionally, much of Mathleaks' content is completely free to use. Browse the textbooks above or download the free Mathleaks app on Google Play or the App Store.