3. Two-Way Tables
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We want to find relative frequencies by row. To do so, we will start by completing the given table.
Text Message | Instant Message | Total | |
7th graders | 59; | 25; | |
8th graders | 59; | 41; | |
Total |
Text Message | Instant Message | Total | |
7th graders | 59; | 25; | 84 |
8th graders | 59; | 41; | 100 |
Total | 118 | 66 |
Text Message | Instant Message | Total | |
7th graders | 59; | 25; | 84 |
8th graders | 59; | 41; | 100 |
Total | 118 | 66 | 184 |
To find the relative frequencies by row, we calculate the ratios of each value and the total in that row. We will round the results to the nearest hundredth.
Text Message | Instant Message | Total | |
7th graders | 59; 8459≈0.70 | 25; 8425≈0.30 | 84; 8484=1.00 |
8th graders | 59; 10059=0.59 | 41; 10041=0.41 | 100; 100100=1.00 |
Total | 118 | 66 | 184 |
Looking at the relative frequencies, we can say that many more 7th graders text message than instant message. The 8th graders split more evenly.