Glencoe Math: Course 3, Volume 2
Glencoe Math: Course 3, Volume 2 View details
3. Two-Way Tables
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Exercise 2 Page 692

We want to find relative frequencies by row. To do so, we will start by completing the given table.

TV Internet Total
7th grade
8th grade
Let's find the sums of each row and column.
Let's write the newly obtained information in our table.
TV Internet Total
7th grade
8th grade
We have two ways of calculating the grand total. We can add the number of to the number of or we can add the students who get news from to the students who get news from the These two numbers must be the same!
Now, we can complete our table!
TV Internet Total
7th grade
8th grade

To find the relative frequencies by row, we calculate the ratios of each value and the total in that row. We will round the results to the nearest hundredth.

TV Internet Total
7th grade
8th grade

Looking at the relative frequencies, we can say that many more and grade students are getting their news from the internet rather than from TV.