Core Connections Integrated I, 2014
Core Connections Integrated I, 2014 View details
1. Section 7.1
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Exercise 9 Page 369

Start by using the Slope Formula to find the slope.

Practice makes perfect
An equation in slope-intercept form follows a specific format.
For an equation in this form, is the slope and is the intercept. Let's use the given points to calculate We will start by substituting the points into the Slope Formula.
Simplify right-hand side
A slope of means that for every horizontal steps in the positive direction, we take vertical steps in the positive direction. Now that we know the slope, we can write a partial version of the equation.
To complete the equation we also need to substitute the intercept, We can see that one of our given points, lies on the axis. Since the line crosses the axis at this point, we know the intercept and can complete the equation.